Little Winnibigoshish Lake
Little Winnibigoshish Lake has great walleye fishing, northern fishing, crappie fishing and perch fishingGuests of Little Winnie Resort are privy to one of the best-kept fishing secrets in northern Minnesota – Little Winnibigoshish Lake. With direct access from the resort guests can fish this 938 acre lake for walleye, northern, crappie and perch. It has a maximum depth of 28 feet and a water clarity of 10 feet. The greatest thing about Little Winnie Lake is that its shoreline is completely undeveloped. Anglers enjoy premier Minnesota fishing while enjoying the pristine surroundings of a resource left untouched by development. Little Winnibigoshish is managed by the DNR primarily for walleye and northern pike and secondarily for black crappie and yellow perch. In recent years, it has been stocked biennially with walleye fry.